
My name is Jessica Jungbauer and I am a freelance writer based in Berlin. Here on Bon & Jour, I write about good things that happen every day - most times they are easy to see like beautiful places, good food or nice music, sometimes you need to look a little bit closer.

With my writing and a loupe for the little things in life, I like to tell stories that inspire.

And this is why I am also the creator and editor of Best wishes from Berlin online magazine which shares all the little stories that make a big city - a story collection of creatives inspired by Berlin.

Just grab a cup of coffee, feel at home and if you like, contact me via hellotobonandjour@gmail.com!

8 Notes:

1. Nataly said...

Oh, how lucky YOU are to live in Berlin! I might visit Germany next summer and how excited am I! By the way, your hair is gorgeous!

2. BON+JOUR said...

Then we should change places some time :) (and you're just too kind!)

3. twiggs said...

this picture of you is quite amazing! i just found your blog and cannot wait to explore it!

4. BON+JOUR said...

Welcome! Grab a cup of coffee and feel at home :)

5. Letitia - The Fashion Editor said...

Ah just discovered your blog, and love the photography! Can't wait to read more. xx

PS- what brand is that jacket in the gorgeous pic of you above?

6. BON+JOUR said...

Thank you warmly! (and the sweater is from American Apparel - I literally live in it :) )

7. Adventures with Dementia said...

What a lovely little find. We are about to head to Berlin and I'm so so excited! I can't wait to discover the city and am grateful for your insight. :)

8. BON+JOUR said...

Oh, enjoy your time in Berlin! :)

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